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15 May 2023 08:04 pm

A Brief Introduction to Python: Its Features and Different IDEs



Python is a popular programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and released in 1991.

It is used for:

What Can Python Do?

  • It can be used on a server to create web applications.
  • Python can be used alongside software to create workflows.
  • It can be connected to database systems and can read and modify files.
  • Perform complex tasks and can handle big data.
  • Python can be used for rapid prototyping or for production-ready software development.

Why Python?

  • Python works on different platforms (Windows, Mac, Linux, Raspberry Pi, etc).
  • It has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
  • Developers can develop a program with fewer lines of code due to the simplicity of Python than other programming languages.
  • Python runs on an interpreter system, meaning that code can be executed as soon as it is written. This means that prototyping can be very quick.
  • Python can be treated in a procedural way, an object-oriented way, or a functional way.

Python Vs. Other Programming Languages

  • Python was designed for readability and has some similarities to the English language with influence from mathematics.
  • Unlike other programming languages, it uses new lines to complete a command, which often use semicolons or parentheses.
  • Python relies on indentation, using whitespace, to define scopes, such as the scope of loops, functions, and classes. Other programming languages often use curly brackets for this purpose.

Features of Python

Easy to code

Python is a high-level programming language. Compared to other languages like C, C#, JavaScript, and to name a few, Python is easier to learn and anyone can understand teh logic of the codes. It is also a developer-friendly language.

Free and Open Source

Python is an open-source programming language which means it is available on the official website, and anyone can use this technology for free. Since it is open-source, this means that the source code is also available to the public. So, you can download it, use it, and share it. 

Object-Oriented Language

One of the key features of Python is Object-Oriented programming. Python supports object-oriented language and concepts of classes, object encapsulation, etc. 

GUI Programming Support

Graphical User interfaces can be made using a module such as PyQt5, PyQt4, wxPython, or Tk in Python. PyQt5 is the most popular option for creating graphical apps with Python.

High-Level Language

A high-level programming language is one which is user-friendly and utilizes a high level of abstraction. Python is one of the high-level languages that primarily focuses on programming logic rather than the system’s hardware components like memory.

Extensible Feature

Python is a versatile language, and the code written on this platform can be easily converted to other languages like C or C++. This extensibility language of Python positions it as the most preferred language by developers. 


A code written on a Mac can be used as it is to run on other OS like Windows and Linux without modifying the codes. This portability nature of Python allows users to collaborate with different stakeholders.

Integrated Language

Python is also an integrated language because we can easily integrate Python with other languages like c, c++, etc.

Interpreted Language

Python is also an integrated language that eliminates the need for a compiler. This nature of Python allows the interpreter to execute one code at a time, thus making the process of debugging much easier than any other language. The source code of Python is converted into an immediate form called bytecode.

Large Standard Library

Python has a large standard library that provides a rich set of modules and functions, so you do not have to write your own code for every single thing. There are many libraries present in Python, such as regular expressions, unit-testing, web browsers, etc.

Dynamically Typed Language

Python is a dynamically-typed language. That means the type (for example- int, double, long, etc.) for a variable is decided at run time, not in advance because of this feature, we don’t need to specify the variable type.

Frontend and Backend development

With a new project, py script, you can run and write Python codes in html with the help of some simple tags <py-script>, <py-env>, etc. This will help you do frontend development work in Python, like javascript. Backend is the strong forte of Python it’s extensively used for this work because of its frameworks like Django and Flask.

Python IDE’s

IDE, for Integrated Development Environment, is defined as a coding tool that helps to automate the process of editing, compiling, testing, etc., in an SDLC, and it provides ease to the developer to run, write and debug the code. It is specially designed for software development that consists of several tools which is used for developing and testing the software.

Some Python IDEs are as follows:


PyCharm was developed by Jet Brains, and it is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE) specially designed for Python. It is the most widely used IDE and is available in both paid versions and free open-source. It saves ample time by taking care of routine tasks.

It is a complete Python IDE that is loaded with a rich set of features like auto code completion, quick project navigation, fast error checking and correction, remote development support, database accessibility, etc.


  • Smart code navigation
  • Errors Highlighting
  • Powerful debugger
  • Supports Python web development frameworks, i.e., Angular JS, Javascript


Spyder is an open-source that has high recognition in the IDE market and is most suitable for data science. The full name of Spyder is Scientific Python Development Environment. It supports all the significant platforms Linux, Windows, and MacOS X.

It provides a set of features like localized code editor, document viewer, variable explorer, integrated console, etc., and supports no. of scientific modules like NumPy, SciPy, etc.


  • Proper syntax highlighting and auto code completion
  • Integrates strongly with the IPython console
  • Performs well in the multi-language editor and auto code completion mode


PyDev is one of the commonly used Python IDE, which is an external plugin for Eclipse. It is a natural choice for Python developers that are coming from a Java background.

Aleksandar Totic is famous for his contribution to the Mosaic browser and worked on the PyDev project during 2003-2004.

PyDev has a feature that includes Django integration, automatic code completion, smart indents, block indents, etc.


  • Strong Parameters like refactoring, debugging, code analysis, and code coverage function.
  • It supports virtual environments, Mypy, and black formatter.
  • Also supports PyLint integration, remote debugger, Unit test integration, etc.


Atom was developed by GitHub, which was initially started as an open-source, cross-platform. It is based on a framework, i.e., Electron, which enables cross-platform desktop applications using Chromium and Node.js and is generally known as a "Hackable Text Editor for the 21st century".


  • Visualize the results on Atom without opening any other window.
  • A plugin named "Markdown Preview Plus" provides built-in support for editing and visualizing Markdown files.


It is defined as a cross-platform IDE that is packed with necessary features and with development support. Its personal edition is free of cost. The pro version comes with a 30 days trial for the developers to try it out.


Python being a developer-friendly language, remains at the top of the list among the popular languages. This dynamic programming language makes the programming process much easier for the developer. Mastering this powerful tool can help you to build programs and software for various applications.

Skill-Lync offers many courses for Python for specific applications. Talk to our experts to choose the right course that suits your interests.



Navin Baskar




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